Next-Generation Intellectual Property Law Firm Software Solution

A Complete Solution for Your Intellectual Property Law Firm.


Patent Screening Made Easy

Optimize your firm’s workflow with the smooth integration of LEX247 and IPScreener.

time recording as you work
Play Video about time recording as you work

User-Friendly Interface

Simplified patent screening for your legal team with LEX247’s user-friendly interface, eliminating the need to juggle between different software.

LEX247 and IPScreener

Accuracy and Precision

Quickly and precisely screen patents with IPScreener integration within LEX247, using advanced algorithms to analyze titles and descriptions.

Time and Cost Savings

Save time and effort by integrating LEX247 with IPScreener, reducing the operational costs spent on manual searches.

IP Screen

Request an Integration

Contact us for seamless integration of your favorite tools with LEX247.

Let's Build Together

Explore our Developer Documentation for integrating LEX247 with your software.

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